Discover Educational and Fun Toys for Infants and Preeschoolers!
2 -in- 1
Pressing the character reveals another one, designed to help preeschooler's motor skills.
Water Toys
Promotes dynamic coordination and motor skills y habilidades motoras. They spray water! ¡Lanzan agua!
Interactive Plush
Develops the sense with letters, numbers, shapes, and sounds.
Learning plush
Get to know your emotions with Minnie! Develops sensory stimulation, sense recognition, and socio-emotional understanding.
Interactive Stitch Plush
Role-playing fun: hide, seek and find (peek-a-boo), includes voice.
Shapes & Colors Game
Learning, imaging, and sorting by color and shape has never beent his fun! Develops math skills.
Transformable figure!
Twist, press and play. Promotes dynamic coordination and motor skills.